Incident History

February 2025

Control panel product images
BigCommerce engineers observed an issue beginning at approximately 12:47 UTC, which impacted product images on the store Control Panel for a subset of stores. The issue was resolved at 17:10 UTC and all services are fully operational.
Feb 14, 10:59 - 11:12 CST
Checkout issues
BigCommerce engineers observed an issue beginning at approximately 17:10 UTC, which impacted cart redirect urls on a small subset of stores using GraphQL. The issue was resolved at 23:20 UTC that day and all services are fully operational.
Feb 12, 16:57 - Feb 13, 13:32 CST
Issues with Braintree credit card payments for subset of stores
BigCommerce engineers have confirmed the issue has resolved
Feb 12, 18:35 - Feb 13, 00:31 CST

January 2025

Availability Issue
BigCommerce engineers observed an availability issue with a subset of stores beginning at approximately 3:25 PM UTC, which caused some storefront requests to fail. The issue was resolved at 3:33PM UTC and all services are fully operational.
Jan 31, 09:00 - 09:00 CST
Availability Issue
BigCommerce engineers observed an availability issue with a subset of stores beginning at approximately 12:16PM UTC, which caused some storefront requests to fail. The issue was resolved at 13:07PM UTC and all services are fully operational.
Jan 30, 07:20 - 07:20 CST
Elevated Response Times
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 30, 03:12 - 03:31 CST

December 2024

Storefront Search Latency and Errors
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 20, 13:39 - 14:11 CST
Elevated error rates for a subset of stores
A subset of stores experience elevated HTTP 500 error rates between 00:01 and 00:48 UTC. BigCommerce engineers have fixed the cause of these errors.
Dec 19, 18:00 - 18:00 CST
Intermittent availability issue with some Control Panel pages
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 19, 08:44 - 08:48 CST